The Dental Face Lift®

Improved Posture, Airway, Jaw Position, Lip Support, and TMJ
The reason that the patient is considering a face-lift is because they may have experienced a small chin, premature aging or some form of facial collapse. The benefit of this method of a non-surgical face-lift is that the lower jaw position is coordinated with the jaw sizes, the shape of face and chin position.
The face is lifted because the chin position is “optimized”. The soft tissues of the face have facial support from the new jaw position and from improving the sizes, shapes and angles of the teeth. This method improves the facial profile and the shape of the patients face along with lip support and health benefits.
The Non-Surgical Dental Face Lift® with the Face Lift Dentistry® Method
The goal is to help the patient get the healthiest position for their lower jaw using no force, no pressure, no pain, no facial fillers, no chin implants and no jaw surgery with JawTrac®. This is the ultimate in anti-aging dentistry because it does not have the risk of the old “grind down your healthy teeth” type of anti-aging dentistry done by other dentists. Patients can have the most ideal shape to their faces, have the smile of a lifetime and improve their health at the same time.
Health Benefits of the Dental Face Lift®
Many patients have reported health benefits such as sleeping better. The reason that a patient can sleep better with this method is that the lower jaw position is improved three-dimensionally rather than just opening the vertical dimension. When the jaw is moved forward, the patient’s airway is larger and there is more room for the tongue.
Losing the space available for the tongue is a common problem with aging as the teeth wear down and as the jaw moves back. These patients look much younger which is wonderful, but they also sleep better and are more energized so they feel younger too. Self-confidence improves as your first impression will never be the same.
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