Anti-Aging Dentistry

Improving Faces and Profiles with JawTrac® Jaw Alignment and VENLAY® Bite Restoration without grinding down your teeth – that is true Anti-Aging Dentistry!
Cosmetic Dentistry and Porcelain Veneers
Most anti-aging dentists really only offer cosmetic dentistry and just call it anti-aging. Bites are not corrected and faces are not proportioned with porcelain veneers. The Face Lift Dentistry® method is the ultimate in anti-aging dentistry as it can improve the shape of the patient’s faces, jawlines, chins sizes and relieve TMJ pain at the same time. Patients of all ages can experience JawTrac® and receive anti-aging dentistry that actually improves their health and saves their teeth with non-invasive VENLAY® restorations while simultaneously reversing the effects of aging.
When Would You Need Anti-Aging Dentistry?
You need anti-aging dentistry when you get past the denial stage of life and realize that you are looking older prematurely. Your grandchild may comment about your short teeth or yellow teeth and finally, you realize you need Anti-Aging Dentistry. Or you may not get the deal, or the promotion, because a younger looking person had more validity. One of our smartest patients said, “I want everything you can do to make me look younger and sharper than my competition.”
A Facelift at the Dentist Office
Get the authentic Dental Facelift® using the Anti-Aging Face Lift Dentistry® Method. This method is a total comprehensive treatment plan that can change your life. This is the only office in the world that delivers this level of non-invasive and non-surgical bite correction in a month for most patients. Most of that time you are not even in the dental chair because it usually takes Dr. Muslin about three weeks to create you new jawline, face, bite and cosmetics. One patient said: “It was much easier to get on a plane rather than make another mistake with a local dentist.”
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